Definedefense’s Weblog

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Martial Arts Belt Ranks

I wanted to dedicate this post to explaining more about belt ranks in martial arts (and yes, also to show off our own belt rank system…)

For a very long time, there were no colored belt ranks in martial arts. Judo was the first art that introduced colored belts to indicate ranks. Knowing that Judo originated in the late 19th century, the colored belt rank system is a rather new development in martial arts.

Many stories have circulated about why and how the colors we use today came to be. One theory is that martial artist a long time ago did not wash their belts. This means that, the more they practiced the dirtier it became and eventually became a black belt. Fortunately this is not the case anymore since I am pretty sure some would go take a hike on the muddiest day of the year wearing their belt…
Although many people believe this theory is true, it is (most likely) not.
The most accepted explanation about colored belts is simply that martial artists in that period of time dyed their belts. Since it is much easier to dye a lighter colored belt darker than vice versa, our current increasingly darker rank colors came to existence.

After this method had been practiced in Japan, other martial arts all over the world adapted since it was a practical way to indicate ranks.

Every martial art has its own belt system with often different colors or variations. Often you will find yellow, orange, green, blue, brown etc. However in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, you will find fewer levels: white, blue, purple, brown & black. This does not mean it is easier to obtain a black belt though.

Just as there are differences in belts, there are also many differences in curricula and testing as well. No martial art style and even studio is the same. Unfortunately, the popularity and commercialization has often led to lower standards and quality since some organizations give away belts without quality control. I have experienced this firsthand; let me explain.
Being a student of the Flemish Budo Federation was extremely strict and their curriculum is first class. We have several extremely professional individuals who make sure of that. For example, there are a few people who are chief instructors of the police arrest teams and special police teams. Anyway, being a student in my teenage years was a great experience. I joined national and international tournaments in which I had to compete with students of other organizations. Often, I had to compete against other individuals who were 3 belts ahead of me. Even though I had the odds against me on paper, most of the times I won. This was a clear sign to me that belts do not always matter, what matters are your skills and the quality of instruction. Since then, I realized I would rather have a lower belt and know that I am worthy than having a higher belt just to show it around and (falsely) impress people with it while being unable to protect myself and others.

With this in mind, I have created a strong curriculum with quality instruction that is achievable for everyone! We diversify within our classes and we offer a wide array of programs so nobody will miss out. Everyone will be able to advance at their own pace. I promise all off my students that they will progress quickly and be a well rounded martial artist that is worthy of his/her belt. You will never have to worry about whether you are capable enough. Every class you attend, you will be a huge step closer towards a higher rank. Our main focusses are quality, diversity, safety and providing a workout you will remember for a few days!

Take a look at our different programs as our priorities shift between all these different curricula in order to provide the best instruction for everyone. It is truly our mission to be the best in what we do!

February 5, 2011 - Posted by | Martial Arts, Other | , , , ,

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